A Place of...

Hope & Healing

Restoration Church


Welcome! Our desire is that every person who enters the doors of our church will feel welcome, wanted and loved. Thanks for checking us out.

Join us this Weekend In-Person & Online.

Sundays @ 8:30 | 10:00 | 11:30 AM

Cada Domingo 11:30am Servicio Bilingue

                                                  Plan to join us on Wednesdays for In Person & Online for the                                                       Well Worship & Prayer, Restoration Youth & RC Kids at 7:00pm. 

Join our family

At Restoration Church we are a family! We want you to feel apart. Connect with us through Next Steps, Prayer, Life Groups and Wednesday Night Adult, Youth & Kids Activities.


Current Series

Keep Improving

Join us this week as Pastor Matt shares on owning your spiritual growth. 

Spiritual Growth Assessment

Evaluación del Crecimiento Espiritual

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What's happening

There’s a lot happening at Restoration for the whole family! See our full schedule of events, find out more & register below.

All Events

Serve With Us

Did you know that you have a special, God-given gift that can make other people’s lives better? The Bible is clear that each person has a unique talent that is meant to be used to serve others, and we want to help you figure what that gift is and find a place you can use it here at Restoration, in your community and around the world. 

Living Generously

As with everything else in life, we follow the example of Jesus who selflessly and willingly gave his whole life for others, and in our finances we should be just as willing to give generously. 2 Corinthians 9:7 says, “Each person should give as he has decided in his heart — not reluctantly or out of compulsion, since God loves a cheerful giver.” While we do believe the tithe system set up in the Old Testament is a good starting point for believers today, we also know that when we sow generously into God’s Kingdom, He will abundantly bless our lives.


Contact Us

Get In Touch Or Drop In At A Service

ServIce Times And Locations

Sundays @ 8:30, 10 & 11:30 AM                                     Cada Domingo 11:30 AM Servicio Bilingue

Wednesdays @ 7:00 PM   

4310 Old Lakeport Road, Sioux City, IA 51106


Contact Information
